
Im back, and so are the stories in a BIG way! There is a lot to write about. After being on hiadas for a few months I think I have enough material for a few years! To start we finally welcomed number 2 in august, Emma. I have to say she looks nothing like me or my husband. If it weren’t for the fact that she never left my bedside in the hospital, I would seriously think a switch had been made. Now I know most people think babies are beautiful and cute, I’m not one of those people. I think most babies look like aliens until at least 3 months of age (for some it takes even longer). Emma fits that description to a tee. Imagine an alien head; the shape is oval at the top and the chin comes to a point, with really big eyes…that’s my child. My sisters were gracious enough to point that out to me. Thanks again girls.

To date things are generally going as I thought they would. We had a bit of a jealousy problem in the beginning but my husband soon got over the new baby being home : ) OK so it wasn’t him but we did have jealousy about the new baby with Elle. Not like some stories I hear; the older sibling trying to hurt the new baby, or burry her in toy and blankets. For us it was just more temper tantrums and reverting back to the baby stages. Ellie refused to walk and started crawling again, needed to be carried everywhere, insisted on sitting in the baby swing and thought that she could fit back into her car seat. It didn’t take long before she realized that Emma was here when she woke up and here when it was bedtime and no one came to pick her up at dinner time.

Now she is a remarkable older sister. She gets Emma her binki when she cries, gives her kisses all time and helps with her bath time. As far as the girls go we are very lucky. As far as toddlers go…we’re writing the book!


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