For anyone who has an infant or toddler you learn to live with little to no sleep. Our daughter was sleeping through the night before she started to get teeth, now sometimes she is up 3 times a night and for an hour at a time. Thankfully i have a great support system at home with my husband who helps to tag team her on these nights. Last night was no exception. She had a really hard time getting to sleep in the first place; at one point i thought she was possessed! Screaming, thrashing, kicking and hitting - why you ask? I have no idea! Both my husband and I could get her to fall asleep in our arms, but the mere motion of putting her down in the crib would launch her into a whirl win of screaming. After 3 1/2 hrs of both my husband and I trying everything we could we broke two of our cardinal rules; 1. No sleeping in our bed and 2. No bottles throughout the night. In an act of desperation we did both! All i can say is that tonight we will have some Tylenol before bed to help with the teething...and sleeping!


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