It was decided, by my husband that I needed to find a play group for our daughter so that she could socialize with other kids, but also so that I could have some time off. Now doesn’t that sound wonderful! And I had to agree she needed some time away from me to be around other kids and adults. So I started the search for a play group and low in behold I found one through our church. I have to be honest, this request of my husband’s probably started about 6 months ago and I have been putting it off. Now, at 33 weeks pregnant I realize that maybe it’s not such a bad idea for both she and I. She can play, I can sleep – everyone wins! I contacted the mom who was running the Moms Day Out through our church and after a 30 minute phone call I decided that I would check it out and see what it was all about. The schedule is really nice. They meet every Wednesday, and you alternate which Wednesday s you stay to supervise the kids. They are split up by age so the little kids play in one room and the bigger kids play in another. There is snack time, story time, arts n crafts and movie time. Doesn’t this sound like a dream, I thought. I went to check it out and only made it about an hour before I ran to my car and drove home where I promptly told my husband “I’m mortified! Never again!” In theory this sounded like a dream – in reality it was my nightmare. There were big kids mixed with little kids. The bigger kids were very rough, pushing and knocking over the smaller ones, there was food all over that everyone was just grabbing, at one point I looked over at my daughter and she had someone else’s sippy cup in her mouth! That was the final straw for me! I felt like I was in Spain running with the bulls! Simply put it was chaos everywhere! Now, you should know that I’m not a regimented person, but I like to think there is such a thing as organized chaos in our house. This was terrifying to me.

After leaving there I told my husband it takes a very strong mom to drop her child off at daycare everyday and leave there knowing that they are safe and watched after. We may try another group someday, but for now I am very happy playing with dolls and chasing my daughter, even if I am exhausted at the end of the day.


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