Is it bad I can’t remember what we did yesterday? Looking around my house right now I can tell you it wasn’t clean and I definitely did not touch the pile of laundry that is keeping us from using the back entrance of the house. Surely it had to be important because why else didn’t these other things get done. Ok – so I don’t usually pull the “I’m pregnant card” in fact my husband only allows me to say it once a day, but I AM! So when I asked my lovely husband if he remembers what I did yesterday he responded with “well when I left for work you were still sleeping, when I got home from lunch you were on the couch, and when I got home at the end of the day you had moved from the couch to the floor.” Humm, now that doesn’t sound like me at all! Dear god was that really all I had done! No – I said in anger! We went to the Dr's today! HA! After saying that out loud to him I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. It isn’t like I have nothing to take care of at home. The babies things are starting to pile in the tv room. The girls room is so disorganized right now that my husband gets angry just walking in there. I’m pretty sure there are some dirty diapers in the bathroom where she gets a bath every night. Yeah, you could say I have plenty to do. Maybe we can try this again tomorrow. After all, my in-laws will be here to visit and I think my husband has started to invite everyone we know over so that I have to pick up the house! IM ONTO HIM! I may just leave one dirty diaper in the guest bath room despite him!


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