Terrible One's

I've heard friends talk about the "terrible two's."  How about we talk about the terrible one's!  My perfect daughter is in her terrible one's - which means so is mommy!  Up until just recently she has been too good to be true!  So good in fact my husband and I decided to get pregnant again pretty quickly.  Now at 7  months pregnant and a cranky one year old I'm thinking the next one will be a little while!  

Teething!  What a nightmare!  She was - let me repeat...she was sleeping through the night, always smiling and laughing, on schedule - simply put textbook.  Well throw that book out the window because she is writing her own!  She just crawls around crying most the day, wants me to carry her everywhere, decided she is going to be a picky eater now, NOT - not even close to sleeping all night.  Yes - orajel works great for about 20 minutes then what?  I hate to keep her on Tylenol all the time (although lately I'm thinking we may need something stronger!) but i also hate the idea of her being in pain all day.  For new moms like myself we are just trying to keep our heads above the water.  Just when you feel like you've got your footing, things have clicked and going wonderfully - it changes!  As my doctor so gently put it to me - WELCOME TO PARENTHOOD!  This never changes.  As i sit here writing this I'm overcome my how tired i am.  I want to lay on the couch and watch TV the rest of the day.  Who doesn't!??  But as i sit here i cant help but think shes sleeping now and finally i can get to the laundry, clean the high chair, maybe eat something before noon today!  Yes moms - welcome to the motherhood!


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