
If you live anywhere in the mid-west or south you and i are in the heat wave bus! The words hot and humid arent even enough to describe the weather. Being that i am a stay at home - part of my job is to make sure my daughter has a fun in her day. Today i was determined to get out of the house amidst 102 degree weather and have some fun. She really loves the water and swimming so i decided to take her to our local pool. The hour long process of packing a beach bag beings. Pool toys, check - cooler with lunch - check, sunblock and hat - check check check. Ive got it all, so i think. We get to the pool, and we are having a great time. Shes talking to people, splashing around, going down the slides and then it happens. We are swimming in the deeper water, i am holding her and the area around us starts to turn brown. OH MY GOD! At this point i cant even swim away from what happening (even though everyone else cant get away fast enough). Her swimming diaper has burst and yes folks she was now pooping! There are truly no words to describe how a mom feels at this point. We are in a public pool and my child is having a poop in the water! Remember that check list i had earlier - this was NOT on it! They had to clear everyone out of the pool and clean it - we shut down the pool! Needless to say today i am buying a kiddie pool and we will be spending the rest of the summer in our backyard!


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